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How to Eliminate Data Silos and Unlock Company Growth

Eliminate Data Silos
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Estimated Reading: 4 minutes
Post Author: Giuseppe Iafulli
Reviewed By: Cory Anderson

The winds of change are upon us.  You know that, by fully exploiting your data, you can revolutionise your decision-making processes, fuel your business growth, and gain a competitive advantage in your industry.

But here’s the catch – businesses, on average, are only using 50% of their accessible data. The culprit, more often than not, is the debilitating existence of data silos.

These silos can become evident in multiple ways:

  • A struggle to create reliable reports.
  • A tedious, error-prone process of  P&L generation.
  • A daunting task of quantifying marketing ROI or optimising conversion rates.
  • A lack of clarity into critical factors such as customer lifetime value, buying behaviours, and cohort groupings.
  • A difficulty in determining which sales tactics yield the most effective results.

The negative effects of data silos spread throughout all departments. 

The response is often to address the most obvious symptoms within individual departments – it’s quicker and seemingly less complicated than orchestrating a company-wide strategy.

Unfortunately, this approach exacerbates the problem. Different systems, managed by separate departments, lead to the creation of more data silos. This generates data inconsistencies, trust issues and impede effective analysis. Therefore, the real antidote lies in addressing the root cause of data silos, rather than just attempting to soothe the symptoms.

To illustrate, let’s delve into the customer perspective:

An impressive 76% of customers expect companies to understand their needs and anticipate their expectations. Furthermore, 70% highlight that connected processes play a pivotal role in earning their business. These processes include seamless handoffs and personalised engagement driven by past interactions.

In contrast, fewer than 45% of marketers (as an example) utilise even the simplest personalisation data – such as purchase history, browsing history, referral sources, or click-stream data.

The most probable reason for this difference, is most probably that these data points, while available, are trapped in inconvenient silos.

data silos


So, how can we conquer the data silos?

The solution lies in a comprehensive data strategy that envelops the entire business not just departmental data. By consolidating all your data, we help you eradicate the symptoms and treat the roots of the data silo problem.

Consider these four steps:

Step 1: Centralise all data in one place. By Leveraging a data value platform to extract, load, transform and visualise,  you can expedite this process while reducing human capital and cost.

Step 2: Apply your business logic to your centralised data. By doing this, you create a single source of truth, consolidating all data that every department can trust and rely on.

Step 3: Address existing data quality issues and start trusting your data. Instead of fixing source system data before centralisation, establishing a central data store first can facilitate easier identification of data problems. This approach is more efficient and helps avoid unnecessary work duplicate or redundant information and make the data reliable.

Step 4: Enable your team to fully leverage the data. By adopting a data value platform like, you can initiate strategic initiatives, such as customer personalisation, churn prediction, inventory optimisation and more . This allows you to consolidate all your data in a single source of truth and make impactful changes to key business metrics using actionable insights.


Data silos represent a pervasive challenge that significantly hampers company-wide efficiency, with their detrimental effects rippling across various departments. When data is isolated within different systems or departments, it becomes inaccessible and inconsistent, leading to wasted hours as teams struggle to reconcile discrepancies or spend excessive time searching for the information they need. These inefficiencies not only drain resources but also hinder collaboration, stifle innovation, and obstruct effective decision-making processes.

However, by implementing a single, comprehensive platform like, organizations can effectively dismantle these data silos, addressing the root cause of these inefficiencies and unlocking the latent potential within their data. A unified platform brings all your data together in one place, ensuring that it is consistent, accessible, and reliable across the entire organization. This seamless integration of data fosters improved communication and collaboration between departments, enabling them to work together more efficiently and with greater alignment toward shared goals.

The benefits of resolving data silos extend far beyond simply addressing issues of data inconsistencies and accessibility. By consolidating your data into a single, coherent repository, you transform it into a strategic asset that drives actionable insights. This consolidated data repository becomes a powerful tool that empowers your team to implement strategic initiatives with greater precision and confidence. It also enables more accurate forecasting, improved inventory optimisation, and enhanced customer experiences, all of which contribute to the overall success and competitiveness of your business.

Moreover, by taking these proactive steps to eliminate data silos, you’re not only addressing the immediate challenges but also fostering a culture where data becomes a catalyst for strategic decision-making. In such an environment, data is no longer seen as a byproduct of operations but as a core asset that informs every aspect of your business strategy. This shift ensures that your business remains agile, responsive, and capable of thriving in an increasingly data-centric world.

In conclusion, breaking down data silos with a platform like is more than just a solution to a common problem; it’s a transformative step that fundamentally improves the way your business operates. By creating a unified, accessible, and actionable data environment, you’re positioning your organization to harness the full power of its data, driving innovation, efficiency, and sustained success in today’s competitive landscape.

Want to learn more? there are other ways you can get value from

  1. Download our “A Step-By-Step Guide to Getting From Raw Data to Decision Intelligence” eBook
  2. Book a call with an expert and learn how retailers are achieving automated decision intelligence

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