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Why Google and Meta don’t give you the full picture? The Future of Marketing Spend Optimisation

Marketing spend optimisation
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Estimated Reading: 4 minutes
Post Author: Giuseppe Iafulli
Reviewed By: Cory Anderson

In today’s digital marketing landscape, where marketing spend optimisation is a critical focus, giants like Meta (Facebook and Instagram) and Google dominate the ad spend space. These platforms operate as “walled gardens”—self-contained ecosystems where marketers invest heavily, yet often struggle with a lack of visibility beyond the platform’s own metrics. For marketers looking to optimise their marketing spend, this poses a significant challenge. The platforms report on conversions within their own ecosystems but offer limited insight into how these interactions connect with the broader consumer journey outside their garden walls.

Enter With its advanced Full Funnel marketing spend optimisation, Kleene provides a comprehensive solution that connects the dots for marketers, giving them a clearer view of their entire marketing ecosystem. This is crucial, as relying solely on the platforms’ conversion data can lead to a skewed perspective on which channels are truly driving value.

How Unlocks the Full Marketing Picture’s marketing spend optimisation tool goes beyond what Meta and Google offer, allowing marketers to push their attribution results back to these platforms through their respective conversion APIs. Here’s how this changes the game:

Pushing Results Back into the Platforms

 By integrating with Meta’s Conversions API and Google’s Enhanced Conversions, enables marketers to share attribution data back into these platforms. This allows Meta and Google to factor in a broader perspective when calculating conversions and attributing credit to specific ads. Rather than only seeing conversions within the walled garden, these platforms can consider Kleene’s attribution results based on the entire marketing mix. This leads to more informed, data-driven marketing spend optimisation on the platforms themselves.

Providing a Complete Ecosystem View

While Meta and Google are powerful, they are only part of the marketing puzzle.’s MMM and MTMA models layer in data from other channels—such as TV, out-of-home advertising, email campaigns, and more—providing the full context of how marketing dollars impact consumer behaviour. By taking into account every touchpoint across all channels, Kleene’s models offer a far more accurate view of what’s working and what’s not, ensuring marketing spend optimisation.

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Preventing Over-Allocation of Conversions

 One of the biggest challenges with walled garden platforms is their tendency to over-allocate conversions within their ecosystem. Meta and Google often prioritise “view-through conversions,” which can overstate the impact of ads a consumer may have simply glanced at, without accounting for other crucial touchpoints. serves as an antidote to this opaqueness. By pushing back transparent and holistic data, it ensures that conversions are attributed fairly, considering the full marketing ecosystem rather than just a siloed view, supporting more effective marketing spend optimisation.

A Transparent Antidote to View-Through Conversions

View-through conversions have long been a contentious issue for marketers. These conversions are attributed to an ad simply because the consumer was exposed to it, even if they didn’t actively engage. While useful in certain contexts, they often inflate conversion numbers within platforms like Meta and Google. The result? Marketers are left with a distorted picture of what’s truly driving sales, leading to inefficient marketing spend optimisation. provides transparency by offering an independent, unbiased perspective on conversions. Its models factor in multiple channels and touchpoints, ensuring each conversion is weighted appropriately in the consumer journey. By integrating these insights with Meta’s and Google’s conversion APIs, helps marketers optimise their marketing spend more effectively, preventing over-investment in channels that appear strong within the walled gardens but are less impactful in the broader marketing ecosystem.

Conclusion’s integration with Meta and Google’s conversion APIs represents a significant leap forward in marketing spend optimisation. By providing a comprehensive view of the entire marketing ecosystem and pushing those insights back into the platforms, Kleene empowers marketers to make more informed decisions and allocate their budgets more effectively. This transparency helps dismantle the walled garden effect, giving marketers the tools they need to ensure their marketing spend is optimised across all channels, not just the ones that dominate the digital ad landscape.

Next Steps for Marketing Spend Optimisation

Integrating cutting-edge technological platforms, such as Kleene’s Decision Intelligence Platform, can make it easier for Chief Marketing Officers to implement Marketing Mix Modelling and ensure ROI.

By streamlining the implementation of Marketing Mix Modelling , our platform enables Marketing teams to access deeper insights more efficiently and effortlessly. This efficiency is achieved through:

  • Comprehensive Data Integration: Our platform excels in aggregating a wide array of data sources, including sales, marketing, consumer behaviour analytics, finance, and logistics. This extensive integration facilitates a more thorough and accurate analysis.
  • Holistic Campaign Analysis: The platform is adept at measuring the impact of both online and offline campaigns, ensuring a comprehensive view of marketing efforts. Enhanced Insights from Comprehensive Data: with the inclusion of diverse data sets, the platform provides richer insights, enabling more informed decision-making
  • User-Friendly Interface: Kleene’s platform is designed with user experience in mind, allowing CMOs and their teams to navigate complex data analytics with ease. This simplifies the process of deriving actionable insights from MMM results.
  • Exceptional Support and Expertise: Kleene partners with clients to ensure a significant return on investment and effective implementation of the platform, providing unparalleled support and expertise.

Contact a data expert to learn more about how their Decision Intelligence Platform can help your company get a better ROAS

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