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Decision Intelligence: The Ultimate Guide to Thriving in the Data Deluge for Retail Brands

Decision intelligence
Table of Contents
Estimated Reading: 4 minutes
Post Author: Giuseppe Iafulli
Reviewed By: Cory Anderson

The retail landscape is undergoing a seismic shift in the digital era, inundating brands with an unprecedented volume of data. In this challenging environment, the ability to harness this data efficiently becomes a pivotal factor in a brand’s success. Enter decision intelligence – a beacon guiding retail brands through the data overload. In this blog, we unravel the challenges posed by the abundance of data and explore how decision intelligence serves as the key to not just survival but thriving in the competitive retail space.

The Retail Data Landscape

The retail sector is grappling with an overwhelming influx of data. From transaction records to customer interactions, the sheer magnitude can be paralysing. Brands face the formidable task of extracting valuable insights from this data to drive strategic decision-making. This section sets the stage for understanding the pressing need for a solution like decision intelligence.

The Role of Decision Intelligence

Decision intelligence emerges as the foundation in effectively navigating the complexities of retail data. By processing and interpreting vast datasets, decision intelligence empowers brands to make informed decisions swiftly and strategically. It’s not just about data; it’s about extracting actionable insights that shape the trajectory of a retail brand.

Practical Applications in Retail

  • Marketing Optimisation: Enhance decision-making with advanced attribution, linking marketing efforts to sales. With comprehensive analytics covering every campaign and channel, you can boost ROAS and Improve outcomes with AI-driven suggestions beyond traditional databases.
  • Customer Retention: Use AI segmentation for unique, high-value customer segments. This helps implement proactive AI retention strategies to minimise revenue loss and increase LTV. Kleene additionally lets you achieve a Single Customer View, consolidating customer-related data.
  • Product Intelligence: Implement AI demand forecasting considering 100 data points and use AI for inventory planning based on diverse supply chain data.
Multi-touch attribution marketing

Gaining a Competitive Edge

Early adopters of decision intelligence emerge as trailblazers in the retail sector. By embracing data-driven strategies, these brands showcase a tangible and sustainable competitive advantage. Let’s delve into profiles of successful early adopters, offering insights into the transformative power of decision intelligence.

Nike: A Stride Ahead in Predictive Analytics

  • Nike, a global giant in sportswear, took a bold step towards the future by acquiring technology companies, Zodiac and Celect, in 2018 and 2019. Leveraging Celect’s intelligent business solutions, Nike revolutionised its approach to sales and customer data. With this robust predictive analytics system, Nike adeptly predicts consumer demand and strategically plans production and delivery. By embracing decision intelligence, Nike not only stays ahead in meeting market demands but also optimises its supply chain for maximum efficiency, securing a substantial competitive advantage.

Sephora: Crafting Personalized Journeys for Customers

  • Sephora, the renowned French beauty and personal care retailer, has emerged as a pioneer in using decision intelligence to craft personalised customer experiences. Constantly monitoring customer actions post-product browsing, Sephora gains valuable insights into customer journeys and intent. Armed with this information, Sephora tailors its content, creating a more engaging and personalised shopping experience. This data-driven approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also significantly increases conversion rates. Sephora’s embrace of decision intelligence positions them as leaders in understanding and meeting customer expectations, setting a benchmark in the beauty retail sector.

Traditionally, deep insights from data were exclusive to large enterprises with hefty budgets. However, with solutions like, retailers of all sizes can now consolidate their data into a unified source and easily deploy machine learning-powered data apps. This streamlined process accelerates data projects, improving efficiency in crucial areas such as marketing, supply chain, and finance. The democratisation of data enhances decision-making capabilities, levelling the playing field for businesses of any size.

The Benefits of Decision Intelligence for Business

While these profiles provide a glimpse into the success stories of early adopters, it’s crucial to understand the broader benefits that decision intelligence brings to the retail sector:

  • Data-driven Decisions: Decision intelligence enables brands to harness the power of data, translating it into actionable insights. Brands can predict market trends, customer preferences, and optimise operations for strategic growth.
  • Faster Decisions: In a rapidly evolving business landscape, decision intelligence accelerates the decision-making process. With the ability to process vast amounts of data almost instantly, brands can stay agile and responsive to market changes.
  • Multiple Problem-solving Options: Decision intelligence algorithms offer flexibility, presenting various outcomes based on changing parameters. This versatility empowers businesses to choose the most optimal path aligned with their goals and growth strategies.
  • Mistakes and Biases Elimination: Decision intelligence eliminates cognitive biases that can influence decision outcomes. By relying on accurately programmed algorithms, businesses ensure a more objective analysis of available data, reducing the risk of errors.

By adopting decision intelligence, retail brands not only gain a competitive edge but also future-proof their strategies in an era defined by data.

Overcoming Challenges with

Introducing Kleene as a solution to the challenges presented by the data deluge. Kleene simplifies the intricate process of connecting, transforming, and visualising data. Kleene fast-tracks your journey to better decision-making, no matter where you are in your data journey. It’s the only end-to-end platform that organises all your data—from raw data to a single source of truth and AI-powered decision intelligence—no matter your company size.

There’s no need to start from scratch or have a huge data team, thanks to hundreds of pre-built connectors and plug-and-play data apps that drive growth across your business, including in supply chain, inventory, marketing, and pricing. Kleene works with you as a partner, ensuring not only that your platform functions correctly but also providing the expertise needed to ensure you get a return on investment from your data project.


As we conclude this exploration into the nexus of data and decision-making, the message resonates clearly. In a world awash with data, decision intelligence emerges as the compass guiding retail brands towards sustainable success. The call to action is compelling – embrace decision intelligence, explore solutions like Kleene, and navigate the data deluge with confidence. The retail landscape is evolving, and the time for proactive adaptation is now. Thrive, don’t just survive, in the competitive marketplace by making informed decisions through the power of decision intelligence.

When you’re ready, there are three other ways you can get value from

  1. Download our “A Step-By-Step Guide to Getting From Raw Data to Decision Intelligence” eBook
  2. Watch our free on demand webinar with Bella & Duke, analysing their growth blueprint
  3. Book a call with an expert and learn how retailers are achieving automated decision intelligence

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