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Customer Acquisition AI

Maximise the impact of your marketing budget

Leverage AI and advanced marketing attribution models to identify top ads that contribute to customer acquisition, and monitor CAC, ROAS, LTV easily across platforms in a single view.
G2 Awards - the leader in summer 2019
4.5 out of 5 stars on
Trusted by data driven companies such as

Measure & prove the incremental impact of every channel, online and offline

Optimise and forecast marketing performance and identify audiences to target thanks to AI

Access your Marketing single source of truth

Marketing Single Source of Truth

All your marketing data in a single dashboard

Integrate data from your ad platforms, web tracking, commerce platform and database into a single dashboard
Not just aggregated metrics but visibility right down to every user interaction and customer order
Easily standardise metric definitions, conversion criteria and attribution windows so cross-channel and cross-campaign comparisons can be made.
All your marketing data in a single dashboard

Our clients grow with Kleene

Using our AI applications our clients are beating the competition
on engineering resources
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in marketing spend efficiency
in return rates
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Integrate all your data in minutes

Not sure where to start?

Download our free step by step guide
to discover actionable strategies include:
  • Understand where you are & how to progress on the data maturity curve
  • What are the steps to make better data driven decisions
  • Get practical insights about managing the transition effectively

FREE to download

Free e-book - Turning data into decisions in retail

"Turning Data Into Decisions in Retail"

Explore other AI Applications

Talk to an expert

Frequently asked questions

Getting started with Kleene is quick and easy. If you already know what your goals are and have a data team in-house you can start using Kleene right away, just get a call booked to get your account setup. If you want the Kleene team to support you in the implementation, our usual implementation time takes between 2 and 6 weeks depending on your data readiness.

Our product is modular so our pricing varies based on which products you are looking to purchase. Our pricing starts from £2,500 per month. Pricing varies depending on your use cases and the number of data integrations. Enterprise pricing and volume discounts are available – speak to us to find out more.

No you don’t. For organisations without an in-house data team, Kleene Data Consulting team will support you from defining your data strategy goals to implementing them. Our team is trained to focus on delivering value to your business quickly minimising the pay back period of your investment

No you don’t! If you are already using a BI Tool like (PowerBI, Tableau, Looker) you can keep using your existing BI tool with Kleene. We help you organise and structure your data in a Single Source of Truth, and use our advanced AI/ML models to produce advanced analytics reports in your existing BI tool. If you don’t have a BI tool, we provide a BI solution. supports integration with over 600+ data sources, including popular CRM systems, ERPs, marketing platforms, financial software, e-commerce platforms, databases, and more. Plus, if we don’t already have a connector available, we will build it for you free of charge. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive solution that accommodates all your data integration needs

Use data to guide your business decisions towards better results

From managing your customer acquisition and retention, to product optimisation; Kleene can help
G2 award winter 2023
G2 Awards - the leader in summer 2019
4.5 out of 5 stars on
Used by incredible data-driven companies